Celebrating Modern Jewish Living Through Food, Tradition, and Family

Green Beans Almondine is an elegant side dish that takes minutes to prepare and adds instant panache to your dinner table.
The Backstory: This elegant, crispy and flavorful side has to be one of the easiest vegetable dishes […]-READ-MORE>
This is the old-fashioned good stuff, made by a real Bubby.
The Backstory: Recently, I chatted with my Canadian cousin, Rhonda. After discussing family happenings, I asked her if she had any recipes to share with me. And, di[…]-READ-MORE>
Our refreshing fruit and Jello mold is a delicious taste from the past that’ll remind you of meals at your Bubbie’s (the best!) and wonderful, simpler days.
The Backstory: J-E-L-L-O! Right now my mind is going back to my early[…]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: Oh yes, you know this one: this is the retro sweet potato casserole that Bubbie or Grandma or some fabulous aunt of yours made every single Thanksgiving or Chanukah that had Maraschino cherries and pineapple rings […]-READ-MORE>
Spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese is a refreshing and bright salad that has the best of both worlds: sweet and tart from the berries and tangy cheese. Add grilled chicken or salmon for a heartier lunch or main course[…]-READ-MORE>
The fancy name for the basic white sauce is Bechamel Sauce. Bechamel is considered one of the base French sauces upon which other sauces are built, such as Mornay Sauce and Mustard Sauce. Think of it as a great foundation for so[…]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: When I think of kugel, I can’t help but think of my father doing his standard joke in a heavily accented Polish dialect, “Is it kugel or is it pujjink?” (meaning noodle pudding). You see, when it comes to kugel, mo[…]-READ-MORE>
Everyone’s favorite Passover treat, our easy coconut macaroons are sweet and chewy with a hint of vanilla and crunch.
The Backstory: This easy coconut macaroon recipe will have you baking this classic Passover treat like a mas[…]-READ-MORE>
Rice stuffed chicken is a deliciously savory main dish that’s perfect for weeknight dinners, company, or special Shabbat celebrations.
The Backstory: This recipe comes to me by way of my friend, Lorraine. Lorraine is one of […]-READ-MORE>
Savory turkey meatloaf is a lighter alternative to beef, but is still moist, juicy, and full of delicious flavor and texture.
The Backstory: Can you say comfort food like Mom used to make?! Our savory turkey meatloaf can be […]-READ-MORE>
Raspberry sour cream mold is a sweet and tart retro dessert that still in style and as delicious as ever.
Backstory: I don’t know how this recipe came to be. I just know that this mold was always on the table for as far back a[…]-READ-MORE>
If you master only one salad dressing, make this the one.
The Backstory: I prefer making my own salad dressings. Yes, I do have bottled salad dressings in my refrigerator but nothing can compare with homemade dressing and fr[…]-READ-MORE>