Celebrating Modern Jewish Living Through Food, Tradition, and Family

Watch your guests devour this luscious and creamy cake–you won’t have a single slice left.
The Backstory: My girlfriend, Lorraine, swears by this cheesecake. She used to make it all the time. I have yet to sample hers, but sh[…]-READ-MORE>
Eggplant Dip is a savory, tomato-y, slighty sweet spread that’s perfect with crusty bread, crackers, or as a dip for veggies. A perfect make-ahead dish.
The Backstory: Eggplant dip is one of my favorite, go-to appetizers when […]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: Just about every restaurant, delicatessen, wedding reception, dinner party or holiday gathering seems to have a fish offering these days, and most times, it’s a plain salmon dish. Well, who can get excited about th[…]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: It was a rarity when my mom made this delicious Stuffed Breast of Veal dish. I do remember that when I first tasted the veal it was love at first bite. When I started cooking, I must admit I didn’t make it ofte[…]-READ-MORE>
Our sweet, crunchy mixture of fruit, nuts, wine, and spices make our sweet and nutty charoset a taste you’ll recall from childhood. It’s so good, you’ll eat it by the spoonful.
The Backstory: Hosting a Passover Seder can be over[…]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: My cousin Rhonda, who resides in Canada, gave me this recipe. It is from her sister, Ricky. The story of my Canadian relatives go back for decades. My grandfather and Ricky’s grandmother were brother and sister[…]-READ-MORE>
Soy milk cream of mushroom soup is silky, delicious and perfect for those who follow Kosher, gluten-free, or lactose-free diets.
The Backstory: Most cream of mushroom soups recipes cannot be used for Kosher meals where meat or[…]-READ-MORE>
Nutty cream cheese balls are a decadent, make-ahead party app that’s creamy, crunchy, and perfect every time.
Backstory: This fast and easy recipe is another one that I borrowed from a friend. If any of my friends are reading […]-READ-MORE>
The Backstory: Every Passover, I go in search of delicious, flavorful desserts that won’t disappoint or fall flat (no pun intended) due to their lack of flour and leavening agents, and every year, I find myself digging out my sam[…]-READ-MORE>
Our glazed sweet potatoes are little bites of heaven–tender, sweet, and just like Bubbie used to make. Serve them anytime–don’t wait for Thanksgiving!
The Backstory: What’s Thanksgiving dinner without luscious sweet potatoes[…]-READ-MORE>
Juicy fruit compote is the easiest way to showcase ripe fruit or use fruit that’s about to turn overripe. Add a dollop of fresh whipped cream and enjoy!
The Backstory: Fruit Compote is one of the easiest dishes to put together[…]-READ-MORE>