Celebrating Modern Jewish Living Through Food, Tradition, and Family

I’m not sure how Jews originally began their love affair with Italian food, but for this writer, I know how it all began. At the age of seven, my parents moved from Brooklyn to Staten Island (what they then considered ‘the country[…]-READ-MORE>
As I think I’ve share with you in some of my blogs, my family is a blended one. Meaning, my husband and I, like many other families, don’t have the luxury of having our children with us full-time. Our kids spend part of their time[…]-READ-MORE>
This is my father’s bench.
The same bench where my father stood, leaned against, kibitzed from, schlepped hundred pound piles of dough onto, and expertly made hundreds of thousands of bagels by hand from 1970 to 1990. The same[…]-READ-MORE>
Long before Madonna, Demi Moore, Britney Spears and the rest of (not Jewish) Hollywood were sporting red Kabbalah bracelets, my kitchen cabinets, purses, closets, drawers, children’s rooms, and just about anything that could open […]-READ-MORE>
Sounds like a crazy title, doesn’t it? Until a few weeks ago, I would have been inclined to agree with you, but at the recent Shiva for my husband’s grandfather, I experienced a deeply rich connection to the man I only saw a handf[…]-READ-MORE>
Flashback to the years 1948 -1958. Looking back on my childhood, I can’t believe just how much I remember. During these years I was seven to 17, living with my parents. I remember the street we lived on: Schenectady, Avenue, A[…]-READ-MORE>
Sunday morning: the boys are playing X-Box, (no Hebrew school today as it’s Thanksgiving weekend, so they’re still in pjs and yes, I’m letting their brains go to mush), my daughter is at the kitchen table drawing a picture she’ll […]-READ-MORE>
It’s 9:00 a.m. on a cold Sunday morning. Thanksgiving is a but a few weeks away, Christmas catalogs have been filling up my mailbox for weeks now (already?) and just about everything in my inbox these days is about gratitude, givi[…]-READ-MORE>
Whatever ever happened to the delicious almond cookies that were served in Chinese restaurants at the end of a meal? How I looked forward to this after we ate what was considered the Jewish Chinese meal. We started with Egg Drop s[…]-READ-MORE>
Oh how my father loved his Cream of Wheat. To this day, I simply don’t get it. I will never get it. If you’ve read any of my other Baker’s Daughter blogs, you know how much I adored my father (still do), but for the life of me, I'[…]-READ-MORE>
Up until I got married (ok, marriage 2.0, fine), my relationship with my KitchenAid standing mixer may have been one of the more significant and certainly the most satisfying relationships I’ve had as an adult. I know this may sou[…]-READ-MORE>
I’m convinced the world is divided into two groups: those who look at this picture, start to drool, and think to themselves, how can I get my hands on the red ones? and those who think, meh, does absolutely nothing for me.