Celebrating Modern Jewish Living Through Food, Tradition, and Family
Kasha Kreplach
Tender and slightly chewy, these easy kasha kreplach are just perfect for soups or for serving as an appetizer with a tangy dip.
The Backstory: I have to admit that I’ve never had kasha kreplach in my entire life (bad Jew, I know, I know). But, I’ve been face down in plenty of steaming bowls of my grandmother’s magnificent matzoh ball soup and kreplach to know that I probably should pony up to this at some point. Then again, now that I think about it…I’ve had my fair share of Mish-Mosh soup, so perhaps I have had kasha kreplach after all. Hmm. Something else to contemplate. More of the Backstory after the recipe…

Kasha Kreplach
For the Kreplach
- 2 cups flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp. water
- 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt
For the Filling
- 1 cup minced onions
- 3 tbsp. butter or chicken fat (use chicken fat if you are making a Kosher meal)
- 1 1/2 cups cooked kasha
- 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper
Prepare the Kasha Filling
In a medium saucepan, brown the onion in the butter or fat. Stir in the kasha and pepper. Set aside.
Prepare the Kreplach
Place flour on a board and make a well in the center. Place the eggs, water and salt into the well. Work these into the flour with one hand and knead the dough until smooth and elastic with the other hand.
Roll the dough and stretch it as thin as you can without tearing it. After you roll it out, cut it into 3-inch squares and place a tbsp. of kasha filling onto center of dough. Fold dough over so the kreplach is a triangle and press the edges together with a little water to seal it.
Cook kreplach in boiling, salted water or chicken soup for 20 minutes. You can serve them immediately in the soup. If you wish to fry the kreplach, just remove them from the boiling water or soup and fry them in hot canola or vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown.
…The Backstory continues: This recipe was given to me by the late Carol Goldsmith, mother of a dear friend. Carole was very active in her Sisterhood in the Akron, Ohio area and over the years passed on many delicious recipes to me. This is but one of them.