Celebrating Modern Jewish Living Through Food, Tradition, and Family
Holiday Apricot Chicken
Tender chicken, dried apricots, and a tangy sweet glaze bake to perfection to make holiday apricot chicken a sweet and savory showstopper dish.
The Backstory: What would any holiday or Shabbat dinner be without a roasted chicken? Who can even imagine it? Well, recently, I decided to jazz things up a bit with Holiday Apricot Chicken. I can honestly tell you that it’s just about as perfect a recipe as can be and it’s quick, easy, and makes a gorgeous presentation for company. I’ll go so far as to say, it probably takes equal billing right next to the brisket. Did I actually just write that? More of the Backstory after the recipe…

Holiday Apricot Chicken
- 1 5 lbs. Kosher chicken parts
- 3-4 large carrots peeled and cut into about 2 inch pieces
- 2 cups dried apricots
- 2 cups pitted prunes
- 1 large bottle of Saucy Susan use as much as you want.
- 1 tsp. Kosher salt
- 1/2 tsp. black pepper
- 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp. paprika
- 2-4 tbsp. canola or vegetable oil
- water or chicken stock
Pat dry all the chicken parts. Season them with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika. Set aside. Heat some oil in a large skillet. Brown on all sides. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Remove the chicken and transfer to a large baking dish. Add any of the oil that is left in the skillet to the baking dish.
Place the carrots, apricots and prunes all over the chicken. Add some water or stock around the sides of the baking dish. About 1/4 of an inch high. Put in the oven and bake for 1 1/4 hour. Check the level of the liquid. Do not let the chicken dry out. Add liquid as need.
After 1 1/4 hour, brush the Saucy Susan all over the chicken. Let some of the sauce fall onto the other ingredients. Bake for another 15-20 minutes. Check often to make sure the chicken does not burn or get to well done. Remove from oven and let rest for 10 minutes and the serve.
…The Backstory continues: This past Rosh Hashanah, I went to spend the holiday with my daughter and her family, plus her numerous guests in Andover, Massachusetts.. It also happened to be her birthday. So, this was a double header for me. It was also wonderful to see my grandchildren and my wonderful, smart, loving, (okay, he also is darn good looking) son-in-law, Robbie. This guy is everything a mother could want for her daughter. He is a terrific man. My thanks to his mom, Phyllis, for raising this fantastic guy. Oh, his ultimate beef brisket is made for every important occasion. It is that good.
But back to the chicken…This dish is so versatile, You can swap out the Saucy Susan for apricot preserves, or even orange marmalade. The fruit can also be changed. Think: pineapple, orange slices, or pitted dates. And don’t forget that during the warm summer months, fresh peaches or plums would be absolutely delicious. Get the picture? Your choices are endless. This dish goes well with just about any side dish. Picture this: layers of the cooked fruit in their own slightly sticky syrupy sauce, served on rice. I am starting to drool. Enough. This is starting to get unattractive.